Toilet Smoking

Toilet Tips

Problems With Your Toilet

If you’re having a problem with your toilet and it isn’t a clog, than it is probably your tank. When you flush, there is a series of events that occur in the tank. Though it may look complicated, it actually isn’t.

After you flush, there is a stopper valve in your tank that lifts up, allowing water from the tank to flow into the bowl, whisking away the waste. Meanwhile, as the water in your tank is draining, the ball float lowers and the rubber stopper valve settles back into its valve seat. Then the tank will gradually fill up again with clean water that spurts out of the tank refill tube. If one thing breaks it will cause your toilet not to flush or to run constantly.

Here are some of the very common toilet issues and some tips on how to fix them. Don’t forget to shut off the water to your toilet before working on it!

Problem: Water continues running even when tank is full
1. Your trip assembly is blocking itself and not allowing the cycle to finish. Take the lid off of the tank and flush. Check to see if everything looks like it’s working.
2. Your stopper chain is too long. Readjust it so that the chain is only about 1/2 inch longer than necessary.
3. You need a new stopper valve or valve seat. Reach into the tank and using your hand, push down on the rubber stopper. If it doesn’t run anymore, this is your problem. Get a new stopper.
4. Look at your float. If the float ball has water in it, it will drag it down. Get a new one.
5. Your trip assembly that is connected to the toilet handle has worn out. Flush the tank and look inside to see if the stopper still rises and falls back into place. If it doesn’t, replace it.

Problem: The toilet doesn’t flush completely
1. Your tank’s float ball could be set too high, which causes too much water to fill up in the tank. Bend the float down or adjust it to the proper height.
2. Your tank’s float ball could be set too low, preventing enough water from getting in the tank. Bend the float down or adjust it to the proper height.
3. Your float ball might have water inside of it.

Problem: Tank doesn’t fill completely

1. Your tank’s trip assembly may be blocking itself, preventing the tank from finishing it’s cycle. Remove the tank lid and flush. Look to see if everything is working correctly.
2. Your tank may not fill all the way if your float ball is too low. Bend the float upwards so more water can get in. If the ball has a lot of water in it, replace it.
3. Your tank’s trip assembly may be bent, stretched, or worn out. Look at your toilet handle and see if its loose. Tighten the handle’s screw inside of the tank. Check the trip lever and guide arm for any wear and tear, or any kinks. This can stop it from moving properly. Examine the wire that attaches the trip lever to the stopper. It could have stretched or worn out.

Problem: Tank sweats (has condensation on the outside)

If your tank has a lot of condensation you might want to insulate your tank. Turn off the water to your toilet and flush it until all the water is gone. Soak up any leftover water with towels or use a wet vacuum. Let the inside of the tank dry. Get some watertight glue and attach a 1/2 of foam rubber to the inside walls of the tank. Let dry before refilling. They also sell foam wall kits you can install.

Problem: Tank leaks

You will want to make sure the tank really is leaking and not just sweating. Put some food coloring in the tank water and let this sit for an hour or so. After, take a white tissue and rub it along the bottom of the tank. If it’s clear, than your tanks is just sweating. If it’s colored, than you have a leak. You will need new tank to bowl nuts & washers and also a new spud (gasket). This may require a professional plumber. I have found that the universal kits don’t work that great. It is always best to get the manufacturers genuine replacement parts.

Give us a call if you would like us to do any of these services for you!

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